AKR 550 & AK R750 Auto Kerato - Refractometer

AKR 550 & AK R750 Auto Kerato - Refractometer



How many shots can it take?

I have 2 modes. Auto and manual. In Auto mode, we can set up 1 to 3 shots. We recommend 3 shots for better accuracy (average)

What is automatic in AKR550?

The AKR will shoot automatically when this is in focus.

Why use manual/auto mode?

Manual is recommended for a better focus. In auto mode, the shooting could be faster but the focusing could be compromised.

What is the minimum pupil size?

2.2 mm is the minimum pupil size.

What is fully automatic in AKR750?

In 1 click, the machine tracks the eye (1 by 1) and shoots automatically when is in the best focus.

What are the benefits of AKR750?

Fully auto for both eyes, no movement for the patient, still joystick to control the measurements for difficult patients (none for Topcon) - highly accurate products

Do we need calibration?

On-site calibration is possible (no need to send the unit back to factory)

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