AKR 550 & AK R750 Auto Kerato - Refractometer

AKR 550 & AK R750 Auto Kerato - Refractometer


Possible Causes

Suggested Solutions

Images are not

properly centered

- External lights or

windows near the


- Large patches of

light near the unit

- Ensure that there are no bright lights or

windows near the unit or the patient.

- Ensure that there are no large

irregular patches of light on the patient

or on the unit.

Measured pupil size

is different from the

expected or actual

pupil size

- External lights or

windows near the


- Large patches of

light near the unit

- Ensure that there are no bright lights or

windows near the unit or the patient.

- Ensure that there are no large

irregular patches of light on the patient

or on the unit.


aberrations that

differ from what is


Direct light falling

on the unit or on

the patient.

- Ensure that there are no bright lights or

windows near the unit or the patient.

- Ensure that there are no large

irregular patches of light on the patient

or on the unit.

Tickets do not print

- Paper jam

- Out of paper

- Open the print paper door and release

the paper.

- Replace the paper roll.

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